Group: Third of Zimbabwe registered voters dead

HARARE, Zimbabwe — Nearly one-third of Zimbabwe's registered voters are dead, and others appear to be babies or up to 120 years old, researchers found, leading them to call for the list to be overhauled so that the upcoming election cannot be rigged.
The independent Zimbabwe Election Support Network's report said Friday that the anomalies opened the way for "double voting and other rigging intentions."
In its research, the group found some 2,344 voters between the ages of 101 and 110 still on Zimbabwe's voting rolls, a dubious figure in a country where the average life expectancy is a mere 44 years.
The report also cited a lawmaker who found that more than 500 dead voters had all been given the same birth date — January 1, 1901.
"An accurate, credible voters' register is a prerequisite for free and fair elections," the group said.