J'lem to hold special elections for community reps

Jerusalem residents will have the opportunity to vote for community representatives for the first time in ten years at special elections on Tuesday.
The five neighborhoods of Pisgat Ze’ev, Shmuel Hanavi, Beit Safafa, Har Homa/Homat Shmuel, and the City Gardens (Rehavia, the German Colony, and Katamon) will participate in a pilot program to elect residents to represent the community at monthly meetings with the municipality.
Though most of the communities already have community representatives, many were appointed years ago, including by Mayor Teddy Kolleck. Mayor Nir Barkat hopes that the elections will draw new blood into the municipality and inspire more residents to get involved with the community.
The municipality hopes to expand the community elections to the entire city, including east Jerusalem community councils, next year. The municipality expects about 20 percent of the community will turn out to vote.