Liberia declared Ebola-free, but outbreak continues over border

MONROVIA - Liberia was declared free from Ebola by the government and the World Health Organization (WHO) on Saturday after 42 days without a new case of the deadly virus, which killed more than 4,700 people there during a year-long epidemic.
However, medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) urged vigilance until the worst outbreak of the disease ever recorded was also extinguished in neighboring Guinea and Sierra Leone.
"Liberia is free of Ebola today ... We are celebrating the victory over Ebola," Liberia's Information Minister Lewis Brown announced on state radio. "Whether you are in this party or not, we are united today. We have defeated it today."
Liberia was recording hundreds of new cases a week at the peak of the outbreak between August and October, causing international alarm.