Livni: Israel must adapt to a hypocritical world

Israel must adapt to a "hypocritical" world, Zionist Union MK Tzipi Livni said on Sunday in an interview with Kol Berama, a haredi radio station.
The former justice minister criticized Israel's response to rockets fired at Israel's South from a Gaza-based Salafist groups, whom she described as having ties to Islamic State.
"We cannot remain silent in the face of violence from extremist elements," Livni said, adding that Israel had to send a clear message about the consequences of firing rockets at the Jewish state.
She also talked about a recent wave of boycott threats from Western groups, saying Jerusalem did not understand the problem "correctly."
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS), she explained, is a small group the problem is that a big part of the world which disagrees with Israel over its policies – join the movement out of a sheer "misunderstanding."