Livni: Price tags, settler violence 'shame' Israel

Opposition leader Tzipi Livni spoke out against women's exclusion at a Beit Shemesh rally on Tuesday, saying acts of religious vandalism "shame" Israel.
"Every time someone spits at a little girl on her way to school, they spit on us all," Livni said. "Every stone thrown at a policeman or soldier hurts us, and every 'price tag' spray painted on a mosque shames us."
The rally is a response to a spate of incidents perpetrated by extremist ultra-Orthodox Jews in recent weeks, including spitting on a Beit Shemesh schoolgirl for dressing "immodestly," attempting to force women to sit only in the backs of buses and attacking an IDF base.
"This is not our Judaism," Livni said, adding that the struggle is not "for women's rights only, but for all of Israel."