MK Livni: March of a million, even if a million didn't show

"From my standpoint, it was a demonstration of a million, even if there weren't a million [people] there," opposition leader Tzipi Livni said on Sunday of the previous night's March of the Million.
Speaking at the "Israel 2012" conference organized by The Marker at the The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Livi said, "From here, either Israel will continue to deteriorate socially [and] we will desperately find ourselves with groups that do not communicate with one another, or Israel will change. And I believe Israel can change."
Livni criticized the creation of a committee to address the social protest issues. Although she values the Trajtenberg committee and believes it will raise appropriate solutions, Livni said she thinks that it is the duty of the leadership to make decision right now, before the committee does.
"There is a problem here with management," she explained. "It is true that the manager has the monopoly [over power] but what does the prime minister do in order to manage it? The solution is not to give [responsibility] to someone else to do it. There needs to be reform in the public sector that will allow for management."
Livni concluded her speech by saying that in order for Israel 2012 to be different there will need to be elections in 2012.