Obama at UN: "The moratorium should be extended"

Speaking at the UN General Assembly on Thursday, US President Barack Obama addressed the settlement freeze and current peace talks saying, "We believe that the moratorium should be extended and talks should be pressed on until completed."
He continued to say that "Israel's existence must not be a subject for debate. It is the historic homeland of the Jewish nation" and that, "The slaughter of innocent Israelis is not resistance."
"Rejectionists on both sides will try to disrupt the process with bitter words, with bombs and with gun fire," Obama explained. But he pleaded to the world "to consider the alternative if an agreement is not reached..." and that a result would be that "the Palestinians will never know the pride and dignity that comes with their own state."
"The road they have to travel is exceedingly difficult," the US president said about the current peace negotiations. "Cynics say Israelis and Palestinians are too distrustful of each forge lasting peace." He called "upon Israelis, Palestinians and the world to rally behind the goal."
Obama explained that "...each of us must choose the path of peace" otherwise, "This holy land will remain as a symbol of our differences instead of our common humanity." "I refuse to accept that future," he announced.