Peres dedicates hospital tower at Hadassah centenary

Hadassah, The women's Zionist Organization of America, on Tuesday night opened its centenary year national convention in Jerusalem, the city in which it has made the greatest collective impact on medical, educational and social services.
If all the donor plaques on Hadassah's facilities in Israel were laid end to end from Metulah to Eilat, there would still be hundreds left over.
The opening of the conference was marked by the dedication of Hadassah's newest enterprise, the Sarah Wetsman Davidson hospital tower, which President Shimon Peres termed an "inspiring achievement toward the heath services of tomorrow."
United States Ambassador Dan Shapiro, who grew up in a Hadassah household, as did his wife Julie, a Hadassah life member, noted that their three daughters are also Hadassah life members, and declared Hadassah to be 100 years young.