Employment Expert: Are there any jobs available?

In these difficult times, individuals are still finding work, and companies continue to hire.

Ron Machol job expert 88 (photo credit: )
Ron Machol job expert 88
(photo credit: )
Ron Machol has been involved in Israemploy [www.israemploy.net] - an Israeli non-profit organization devoted to helping immigrants to Israel and others prepare for the employment market and find work - almost from its inception. He has 20 years of work experience in hi-tech, both in the US and in Israel. His work at Israemploy over the past years is focused on consulting with a wide variety of job seekers in Israel, both olim and veteran immigrants and those considering aliyah, and developing relationships with Israeli employers and professionals in many different industries. Israemploy has been in operation for six (6), and during this period has assisted thousands of people via its job list and personal consultations. The consultations are personalized, and focus on the employment needs of the individual. Subjects can include identifying transferable skills, writing an Israeli CV/resume, how to network in Israel, and overall job search techniques. Click here to send your questions to Ron and please leave your comments below. * * * It seems that everywhere we turn, the experts tell us the financial situation is getting worse: the international economy is in shambles, and the job market is deteriorating, with large layoffs and even larger uncertainty of what the future holds. On the other hand, people in Israel still need to find work when they are between jobs, and those that are in the aliyah process naturally wonder what employment opportunities will be available for them. How is it possible to be encouraged in these troubling times? At Israemploy, I am regularly in touch with job seekers before and after aliyah, as well as Israeli companies searching for employees. Individuals are still finding work, and companies continue to hire. This is true for entry-level and experienced candidates in professional and blue-collar positions in hi-tech and low-tech industries, and throughout all regions of Israel. It is a fact that the employment situation is more difficult now than in the recent past, when Israeli unemployment was at record lows and the economy was increasing rapidly. Nonetheless, opportunities remain, although creativity and flexibility are even more critical to managing your successful job search. Today there are more high quality tools/organizations available than ever to aid a person in conducting a job search. The Internet makes it quite simple to gather valuable information, even before aliyah. Jobs lists abound, as do Israeli employer databases and a wide variety of articles on job searches, including such subjects as Israeli resume/CV, salaries, work culture and networking. Many immigrant and professional organizations exist to assist people in the employment search. There is one technique that stands above all others for a person looking for work, and that is job networking. Networking is the art of connecting with other people for the purpose of (subtlety) advancing your job search. According to a variety of sources, two-thirds of all jobs available are never publicly advertised; they are part of the hidden job market. In fact many people claim that in Israel you need proteksia (help from connected others) to find a job, but the truth is that the phenomenon of employment success via networking is true throughout the world, including North America and Europe. Just consider your own professional experiences in finding a job previously, and I am sure that many of you will remember how information/assistance from others was critical to your success. The main question for a new (and oftentimes veteran) immigrant then becomes: How to Network without Having a Network? And the good news is that it is more than possible, it happens regularly. The key is to understand how to network properly, and what resources are available to make your networking most effective. I will be available to answer your questions on employment search issues in Israel. Best of success in your job search. * * * Cafe Oleh is the place where you can join in and be published. To send us your comments, article ideas, suggestions and community listings, click here. In the meantime, check out our comprehensive listings and calendar services.