For the first time, volunteers from Shalva join Border Police

The graduates came to Shalva at a young age with the goal of one day volunteering in the IDF, especially in the Border Police.

Feburary 10th, 2020 graduation of Shalva volunteers as they join Border Police (photo credit: BORDER POLICE)
Feburary 10th, 2020 graduation of Shalva volunteers as they join Border Police
(photo credit: BORDER POLICE)
For the first time in the Israeli police force, volunteers with disabilities from the Shalva organization have graduated as Border Police.
The graduation ceremony was held on Monday night at the base of the Border Red Fort of Jerusalem at the conclusion of their training. Border Police chief, Shalva founder and president Kalman Samuels and friends and family were in attendance.
The graduates came to Shalva at a young age with the goal of one day volunteering in the IDF, especially in the Border Police.
During their training, the volunteers underwent physical and combat fitness classes, and workshops to develop teamwork and setting and achieving goals. They also received other classes, such as police conduct and medical training.
The graduates will serve as regular Border Patrol volunteers and serve as combat supporters in various positions at the base, in the Border Police's K9 unit, the police's cavalry unit and in various other branches.
"I have to say that Shalva is made up of a lot of dreams” said founder and president of Shalva Kalman Samuels.
“The dream of having our graduates serving in the army and our desire to belong to the army found delay after delay, until we got the chance to meet Kobi, commander of the Border Police. It is not to be overlooked that Commander Kobi instigated this process, as we are seeing the results in graduates who finished the course today to join the Border Police family."
The commander of the Border Brigade in Jerusalem, Brick Yitzhak, said: "I stand here excited by the size of the class, but mainly by the privilege that you join our ranks and are an integral part of the fraternity that characterizes our space.
“I have been closely following your training, how you progress, your motivation and desire to succeed that is so unique and characteristically you. These are exactly the qualities we expect from our fighters in the field, and I am proud that you are also going to be part of our fighters."