Afikim and Olami launch website to educate on lives of fallen IDF soldiers

In addition to learning about the lives of Israel's fallen IDF soldiers, visitors can also perform a positive deed.

Yom HaZikaron Mount Herzl 1 390 (photo credit: Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post)
Yom HaZikaron Mount Herzl 1 390
(photo credit: Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post)
The Afikim Foundation, founded in 2002 by Rabbi Raphael B. Butler to promote Jewish educational, cultural and value-oriented programs, has teamed up with the Jewish outreach organization Olami in order to launch an online platform that allows visitors to learn about the lives of Israel's fallen Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers. according to a press release from the organizations released Sunday. 
In light of the restrictions on social gatherings due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has led the cancellation of Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day) events across Israel, the Afikim foundation and Olami created an interactive website that allows users to learn about the life of each of Israel's fallen soldiers and perform a positive action in their honor. These actions include giving charity and acts of kindness.
The family of the fallen soldier is also informed of the users' positive deed via email if they opted in to receive such an update. 
The online platform, developed as a project in 2017, was created by Olami, in partnership with the Afikim Foundation, Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, Yad Labanim and the IDF’s Widows and Orphans association. 
"This is an incredible opportunity for us to show our unity with Israel and give great comfort to thousands of bereaved – knowing that their loved one’s memory is being kept alive." said Rabbi Butler, Chairman of the Afikim Foundation "In the past 3 years, Honor Israel’s Fallen has had over 35,000 positive actions performed and recorded on the site," .