Rivlin implies religious Zionists should be more willing to adapt

Rivli referenced civilian national service which was introduced by the National Religious Party which was opposed to women serving in the army, but encouraged women to serve the nation in another way

President Reuven Rivlin with Bayit Yehudi's Rafi Peretz (photo credit: AMOS BEN GERSHOM, GPO)
President Reuven Rivlin with Bayit Yehudi's Rafi Peretz
(photo credit: AMOS BEN GERSHOM, GPO)
President Reuven Rivlin on Thursday implied that if the religious Zionist political movements and organizations want to move forward, they should look backward to the period when they were able to adapt to the order of the day.
He referenced civilian national service which was introduced by the National Religious Party which was opposed to women serving in the army, but encouraged women to serve the nation in a civilian capacity.
Speaking at Kfar Hamaccabiah at the convention of religious Zionist organizations and institutions, Rivlin underscored that today's civilian national service is no longer the purview of religious Zionists alone, but includes Arabs, haredim and secular people who for  one reason or another are unable to serve in the army.
Rivlin also commended the standards of educational facilities that come under the umbrella of religious Zionism and said that the students who are in these schools today, are undoubtedly tomorrow's leaders.