Schalit protesters to rally at Knesset

Campaign to highlight political silence on issue of soldier; Hamas gives Schalit letter from his dad.

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gilad schalit demo 248 88
(photo credit: Channel 2)
In ongoing efforts to pressure the Israeli government to find a way to release Gilad Schalit, the campaign to free the captive soldier plans to hold a rally in front of the Knesset on Monday. As MKs convene inside for the opening of the Knesset's winter session, protesters plan to hold an alternative plenum outside. The protesters plan to set up 120 seats around a cage, the kind they imagine that Schalit is being held in. As the Knesset session begins, the 120 protesters will stand by the seats with their eyes and ears covered, to symbolize the political silence on the matter of Schalit. Meanwhile, Schalit has received his first letter from his family since being abducted by Hamas over two years ago, his father, Noam, confirmed Saturday night. Noam spoke with The Jerusalem Post after returning from a three-day visit to France, where he lobbied on behalf of his son, who holds dual French-Israeli citizenship. During his trip he spoke with aides to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, whom he thanked for ensuring that the letter was delivered to his son. He said he had received confirmation regarding the letter's delivery before he set out for France. This is the first letter the family have been able to send Schalit since he was captured by Hamas in June 2006. The elder Schalit said the letter, which had been given to Sarkozy in early September, was personal and he would not discuss its contents. After receiving the letter, Sarkozy gave it to Qatari officials. Qatar passed it onto Syrian officials, who gave it to Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal, who transferred it to the terror group's leaders inside the Gaza Strip. According to Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha, Schalit received the letter last month. Taha said passing on the letter was a "humanitarian gesture" but said there were no plans to allow more mail to pass between the family and their captured son. Egypt, which is acting a mediator between Israel and Hamas, has failed to secure Schalit's release.