Pool battle hits rock bottom

The destruction was in direct contravention of an agreement signed jointly by the city and by residents.

gordon pool 88 224 (photo credit: )
gordon pool 88 224
(photo credit: )
Tel Aviv residents are accusing Mayor Ron Huldai of egocentrism and of breaching agreements after they discovered that their beloved Gordon swimming pool had suddenly been entirely demolished last week, reports Yediot Tel Aviv. The destruction was in direct contravention of an agreement signed jointly by the city and by residents last year to preserve most of the pool while cutting one side to make room for a widened promenade. According to the report, residents were shocked last week to find that municipal tractors had created a large hole in the ground where the historic swimming pool used to be, especially after having won the city's signed agreement to preserve the pool last year. "This is against every agreement," one stunned resident said. "Destruction of the pool was never discussed. Part of our struggle was to preserve the character and as much of the size of the pool as possible … this is another way in which the mayor has breached agreements and acted out of ego and other interests." A municipal spokesman defended the destruction by saying it had been necessary to replace the decades-old swimming pool walls.