
A 900-year-old castle seeks new owner to call it home

Appleby Castle, once home to Scottish and English monarchs, is now a luxury hotel seeking a wealthy buyer to reign over its halls.

‘It is an obligation to remember the hostages’: Powerful London exhibit recreates Hamas tunnels

The exhibition is based on the testimonies of hostages who have been freed, returned home, and told their stories, as well as footage from Hamas.


Female veterans face barriers seeking mental-health help - report

Research on mental health needs and, according to the women interviewed, the mental health services for veterans themselves, prefer men over women.

UK convicts Iran-linked terror suspect of spying on anti-regime channel

Prosecutors said Dovtaev went to Iran International's office to try and record security arrangements after the channel became a target following the death of Mahsa Amini.


'Dee Inglish Revolooshon': Changing the spelling of the English language - review

A new book describes a revolution in the English language, changing it for sound-based spelling.

Britain summons Russian ambassador over alleged political interference campaign by Moscow

Personal emails of anti-Russian officials hacked by "Cold River" group, which had previously targeted three nuclear research laboratories in the United States.


£12 Plant worth £170 per leaf leaves couple astonished

A British couple strikes gold when they find a rare monstera plant on sale for a bargain price at a DIY store, only to later realize the true value of its leaves.


Israel mustn’t stop war on terrorists who cut off heads - British DS

The UK Defense Secretary compared the IDF aerial bombings of Gaza with the British and American bombing of the German city of Dresden during World War II.

Love letters to French navymen uncovered after 265 years

Letters from family members shed light on women's literacy and wartime experiences in 18th-century France

Britain's M&S apologizes for Christmas advert post compared to Palestinian flag

Global companies are trying to avoid getting entangled in conflict between Israel and Hamas as the fighting has prompted a rise in religious hate crimes.

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