
How can Israel deal with online hate, antisemitism? Social media stars speak out

While many people are fighting an actual war, influencers are fighting a war online (and in their real lives).


Intelligence test: Move just one matchstick to solve the equation

This puzzle is intended for individuals with particularly high levels of concentration. The image shows an incorrect exercise. Correct the equation by moving just one matchstick.

Improve your IQ: Remove just two matches to solve the equation

Test your concentration and intelligence with this viral puzzle! Fix the incorrect equation by removing only two matches. Can you solve it?

Online antisemitism has increased and become more violent since October 7

From September to October antisemitism quadrupled with all platforms except for YouTube seeing a massive increase.

Hagari: Diaspora Jews should create TikTok videos 'every day' in support of Israeli hostages

"The war is not confined to Gaza alone - there is a worldwide battle for consciousness. Everyone should make a TikTok video daily in support of the hostages," Hagari said.

Intelligence test: Move only one match to fix the math equation

Match puzzles on TikTok have taken the web by storm. To solve this challenge correctly, move one match to form the correct equation.

Majority of TikTok content in US created by active adult users, new study shows

Figures show that 98%, the majority of public content posted on TikTok is created by 25% of users, in fact a minority of very active adult users.

A puzzle for smart people: Move just two matches to form seven squares

An puzzle shared on TikTok has gone viral. There are several matches in the puzzle – move two of them to make seven squares.

Can you solve this puzzle by removing just two matchsticks?

The image shows an incorrect math equation. Correct the mistake by removing only two sticks. Can you solve it?

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