
Palestinian Authority on verge of fiscal collapse as Smotrich withholds funds

The World Bank warned that the fiscal situation of the PA has "dramatically worsened in the last three months, significantly raising the risk of a fiscal collapse."


What is robophobia - and how is it affecting the hotel and restaurant industries?

With restrictions on Palestinian workers coming to Israel for employment and the reluctance of foreign workers to go during a war.

 State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman attends the Eli Horowitz Conference, organized by IDI

'Israel's lack of long-term planning harming economy,' comptroller says

Englman said that the government is focused on investing in the short term, and even when it sets long-term goals, it does not meet them.


Is there a solution to Israel’s foreign worker crisis? "My Outline" launched

To reduce worker shortages in various industries, especially construction, the government will approve Yossi Shelley's outline, aimed at lowering contractor costs and reducing the cost of living.

Israel Post to be privatized, bought for NIS 461 million

The purchase was approved by Israel's Government Companies Authority to sell state shares after companies considered acquiring the postal service in the past year. 

IDF soldier seen in Gaza near a temporary floating pier anchored by the United States to boost aid

Israel-Hamas war could be won through economic alternatives

As recently as June 18, 2023, the Israeli government gave preliminary approval for Gaza gas development, making the October 7 massacre even more deplorable.


Smotrich cancels free trade deal, imposes 100% import tariffs on Turkish goods as rift grows

"Raising the import tariff on Turkey is a suitable Zionist answer to Erdogan," Smotrich said. "For too many years, the State of Israel struggled with Erdogan's antisemitism. Not on my shift!"

Knesset already reaches budget deficit yearly ceiling in April

If you neutralize the effect of delayed taxes due to Passover, the budget still eclipsed its ceiling and reached 6.7%.

Rising prices in Israel: Impact on second-hand apartments? View this week's deals

Amid the economic celebration, are second-hand apartment prices soaring in your city too? Explore this week's transactions in the used apartment market.

From crisis to prosperity: Netanyahu's vision for Gaza 2035 revealed online

The plan lays out a three-step program for returning Gaza to self-governance and eventually reintegrating Gaza into the regional economy.

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