Israel security forces expand containment tactic to Hebron
According to the IDF, new security checks will be implemented gradually and will help deter terror attacks.
By NOAM AMIR/MAARIV HASHAVUAUpdated: OCTOBER 30, 2015 10:26A Palestinian youth throws a stone during clashes with Israeli soldiers next to the scene of a stabbing attack near Hebron on October 26(photo credit: REUTERS)
As part of a comprehensive course of action designed to contain the ongoing security crisis rocking Israel and the West Bank, Israel Security Forces were instructed Friday to seal off certain Palestinian neighborhoods in Hebron in order to better conduct security operations and searches throughout the area.According to the IDF, new security checks will be implemented gradually to help deter terror attacks.Dubbed operation "Breathing Closure," one of the plan's new directives is to limit the movement of Palestinians from entering and exiting Jewish communities in Hebron, which has been an epicenter of recent violent terror attacks.Restrictions also apply to Palestinians between the ages of 15-25; Palestinian students who leave their communities in order to attend class will now be subjected to more extensive security checks.The plan comes in light of the recent success the security establishment found earlier in the month through the establishment of security barriers in especially violent neighborhoods in east Jerusalem, which, according to the army, brought about a significant decrease in violent incidences. Palestinians in Hebron reported Thursday night that Israeli military forces began inspecting the entrances and exits of the city, limiting their ability to move freely throughout the city.Meanwhile, the army has instructed security staff to be on high alert on Friday and are preparing to increase the deployment of more security personnel after the conclusion of Friday prayers.The army anticipates numerous incidences Friday throughout the West Bank.