Israeli air force attacks Hamas targets in central Gaza Strip
The army said that it 'scored a direct hit' against its intended target; Attack was response to Palestinian rocket fire earlier Friday.
By JPOST.COM STAFFFour military helicopters fly over the Mediterranean sea opposite the port of Ashdod(photo credit: REUTERS)
The Israeli military launched reprisal attacks against Hamas targets in the central Gaza Strip just hours after rejectionist organizations fired a rocket at southern Israel, the army announced on Friday."The IDF, by means of Israeli air force aircraft, attacked the Hamas terror organization's infrastructure in the central Gaza Strip a short time ago," the IDF Spokesperson's Unit announced in a press release.The army said that it "scored a direct hit" against its intended target."The attack was executed in response to the rocket fire at Israeli territory earlier in the afternoon," the military said. "Hamas is the party responsible for what takes place in the Gaza Strip."Earlier Friday afternoon, Gaza militants fired three rockets into Israel, marking the latest such attack since another salvo was launched Saturday, less than a week ago.Only one of the rockets managed to enter Israel territory, falling a kilometer away from the border, in the Kissufim area, causing no injuries or damages.The rocket did not trigger warning sirens.Security officials told Army radio that the other two rockets reportedly landed inside Gaza. It is unknown if they caused any injuries or damages.According to security sources, it is believed that the rocket fire originated from a terrorist cell working independently from Hamas.In the past, responsibility for such attacks has been taken by small groups of militants affiliated with the Islamic State, who is opposed to the current rulers of the coastal Palestinian enclave.