Flutist will front the next slot in the Middle East Improv ethnic jazz series, at Jerusalem’s Confederation House.
New York-based Israeli flutist Hadar Noiberg will front the next slot in the Middle East Improv ethnic jazz series, currently in progress at Jerusalem’s Confederation House.The show, which will take place this Saturday at 9:30 p.m., goes by the name of Journey Back Home, with the material arranged by Noiberg and taken from the flutist’s album of the same name. She will be backed in Jerusalem by Lotam Aznar on piano and vocals, acoustic bass player Hagai Bilitzk, and drummer Shahar Haziza.Despite spending most of her time Stateside Noiberg increasingly performs back here, and she has a central role in the high-energy Yemen Blues crossover band.Composer-instrumentalist Noiberg has always incorporated her extensive range of musical sources in her work, weaving Middle Eastern influences, as well Eastern European, Cuban, Yemenite and Moroccan material into her musical output.Journey Back Home is Noiberg’s second release as leader and places the flute front and center of the sonic offering.For more information about: (02) 624- 5206 and www.confederationhouse.org