The words of song

This Tuesday the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance presents another vocal recital in the series Singing Words. The program features different settings of the same texts by romantic and modern composers such as Brahms, Ives and others performed by soprano Jeanette Favaro-Reuter and pianist Ido Ariel. Favaro, who was born, raised and trained in America has had many years of both teaching and performing in Europe, most notably in Germany at the Freiburg Opera and the State Theater in Kassel, and in Spain and Holland as well. In 1999 she moved to Seattle to pursue her doctorate at the University of Washington as a student of Julian Patrick. During this time she was contracted by the University to teach voice. She earned her Doctor of Musical Arts in June 2001; and, in the same year, accepted a position as full professor of voice at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy in Leipzig. Four years later she was made a visiting professor at the Royal College of Music in London. This installment of the series will be held at the Navon Auditorium's Younes and Soraya Nazarian Building at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance in Givat Ram at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are priced at NIS 30/60. For more information call (02) 675-9909.