Kerry Spoke but Reality Won't Listen

 Last Sunday the air was so clear that even from my house in Eli we could see the Hermon Mountain, about 150 kilometers away. We piled into my daughter's car and went uphill to one of the neighborhoods higher up to see the view from there. It was partly cloudy, but we could clearly see the Coastal Plain from Ashdod in the south through the Tel Aviv Metropolitan area, about 40 kilometers to the west of us. To the east we could the Gilad Mountains in Jordan, about 30 kilometers away. To the north we could clearly see the Syrian Hermon Mountain. There we were in the center of the Holy Land and once again I could see how small our country is. "Small in physical boundaries, but large in spirituality" my wife reminded me.
But what I had on my mind was the speech of soon-to-be-former secretary of state John Kerry. The speech represented a view that is common even to many people who think they support Israel, in their own fashion, and even to some Israelis. That view is that Israel must leave Judea and Samaria, which they curiously refer to as the West Bank, the name given by the Jordanian occupier who was here for 19 years out of 3,400 years of our history in the land. Not only do they think it's best for Israel to leave ASAP, but that it is proper and moral that all the Jews that live in Judea and Samaria also leave, or in plain words: be expelled from their homes and communities.
Kerry mentioned "settlements" over fifty times, in contrast to mentioning "terror" and "incitement" less than twenty times, as if settlements were the key issue. Perhaps they are, but not as Kerry and others say out loud, but rather in the unspoken premises.
The first unspoken premise is that the "Palestinian" state will be ethnically cleansed of Jews. Otherwise – what does it matter how many Jews live in Judea and Samaria? It matters because the Arab state – if it were to be established – will not allow any Jews to live in it. Anywhere else in the world moral and liberal minded people realize that this ethnic cleansing is morally repugnant, but not when it comes to Israel.
Why should that be so? If there is to be real peace – then why can't a few hundred thousand Jews live in Arab "Palestine" just as over a million and a half Arabs live in Israel? Why? Because of the unspoken fact, the second unspoken premise, that everyone knows but dares not say: it's not safe to be a minority people under Islamic or Arabic rule.
At the end of the 1947-1949 War, Israel's war of independence, there were about 160,000 Arabs in areas controlled by Israel; in contrast in areas under Arab rule there were zero Jews. Why – because the Jews fled, were massacred or expelled.
In the Arab countries throughout the Middle East close to one million Jews fled countries they had resided in for centuries, some since the destruction of the First Temple over two millennia ago. Why did they flee? Because of Arabic-Islamic intolerance.
Even on a smaller scale: the Christian populations of Ramallah and Bethlehem have plummeted ever since the establishment of the Palestinian Authority.
Since everyone knows that it isn't safe for Jews to live under Arab rule – in contrast to the safety and rights that Arabs enjoy in Israel – everyone agrees with the PLO demand to expel all the Jews from Judea and Samaria, for the Jews' own "safety". However, since everyone knows this – and those that don't know are either uninformed or misinformed – everyone takes it as given: No Jews Allowed! Is this really what liberal-minded people think, or do they ignore this chain of thought because it's too uncomfortable?
Looking down at Tel Aviv from my community, I just couldn't understand. Don't people realize that if the Arabs cannot be trusted to protect the lives and Jews living under their regime, how can they be trusted to sit where my community is today, in place of me, and look down at the Jewish population centers of Israel?
Israelis – even those who disagree with my world outlook – are infused with a healthy dose of reality that is self-evident to anyone who sees what I saw last Sunday.