As it has now turned out, Zahi Hawass is in Mubarrak’s new Cabinet as Minister for Cultural Affairs or some such thing. He reported to the press how the antiquities in the Cairo Museum were saved and how he told the beduin who stole some objects being stored in Sinai to return these items or else; and they did.Everyone knows Zahi Hawass. Even if he is a little bit of a headline grabber and an egotist, everyone knows he is a stern taskmaster and fair,. He has a worldwide reputation and he thinks Mubarrak should be allowed to finish out his term.In the meantime, he could handle the transition and he would do it with aplomb, insight, and intelligence. One can’t say the same for Muhammad el-Barradei who suddenly, very suspiciously, crept into the headlines and returned to Egypt just in time to be shoved front and center among the ‘opposition’ movements.We all know who he is and the terrible job he did both in Iraq and Iran with his so-called ‘inspections’ of nuclear sites and installations. He almost single-handedly with his interminable stalling destroyed George Bush’s handling of the Iraq War. He has performed a similar service in Iran. Nobel Prizes mean nothing. We all know who receives Nobel Prizes.In fact, the Prize just adds to his suspiciousness. Not only this, but his sudden materialization on the scene, to say nothing of his acceptance by the Muslim Brotherhood (adding to that of the Iranian Mullahs) just makes him all the more worrisome. We all know where he will be taking us.No Zahi Hawass is the man. Let him be elevated to the Prime Minister-ship. He will treat Mubarrak with the dignity he deserves. He knows about the West and its institutions and ways. He will ensure ‘Democracy’ in Egypt, not a crazed mob upon the street obviously being ‘played’ by Hamas-like supervisors in the form of the Muslim Brotherhood.These are the sort of people who have no respect for ‘pagan’ antiquities as we saw in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Zawass, though a Muslim himself. is a fanatic when it comes to protecting Egypt’s pre-Muslim culture. He will do it again now in this crisis, plus save the basis of Egyptian tourism.He would ensure a proper and methodical, no-rush transition. He would ensure all are treated with the respect and care they are due. He is a hard taskmaster, as I said, but a fair one. Anyone who watches his programs would be able to testify to this.Let him now save his country. He is the only one with the international stature and reputation to do it. He will be able to accomplish this in Mubarrak’s last six months. Elevate him. Give him both the reins and the responsibility. Now we will have archaeology coming to the rescue of Modern Egypt and not the other was round.He who has done so much to save Egypt’s antiquities, could now be the one best-placed to preserve Egypt’s unique and at-risk cultural dynamic. Elevate him to the Premiership. He certainly will not fail. He has never done so before.