Protests against the tourists are planned on the island of Tenerife

In response to the summer tourist influx on Tenerife, locals plan protests against the nuisances caused, with upcoming hunger strikes and demonstrations.

 Beach in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Beach in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

As always in the summer, tourists flood the Canary Islands, especially the island of Tenerife, and in the eyes of the locals, this is a nuisance that makes their lives unbearable. To deal with the expected excess of tourists, which local residents believe are causing price increases and congestion on beaches and roads, social activists on the island are planning demonstrations and hunger strikes.

The activists on the islands complain that over-tourism has caused them to be unable to find apartments to live in and that the existing supply includes apartments at illogical prices. Activists even exaggerate and say that the locals are forced to sleep in their cars and even in caves. To deal with the situation they are planning demonstrations and strikes as a reaction against over-tourism.

Also, campaigns they put up emphasize that the incessant flow of tourists causes environmental damage. The reason for the latest argument is over the construction of two new hotels.

In terms of numbers, in 2023 14.1 million foreign visitors visited the islands. And now, protesters in Tenerife have organized a hunger strike to start next week over the development of the new hotels. Also, on April 20 in Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and La Palma there will be demonstrations under the title "Canaries have a border".