Americans for Peace Now backs Palestinian UN bid

WASHINGTON -- Americans for Peace Now on Tuesday called on US President Barack Obama to support the Palestinians’ bid to upgrade their status in the United Nations to non-member observer state.
The stance by the left-wing group issued in a statement places it at odds with others in the pro-Israel community. The statement by the group's president and CEO, Debra DeLee, was issued two days ahead of the anticipated vote in the UN General Assembly on the Palestinians' application for enhanced status.
“In the wake of the latest Gaza War, we believe the international community, led by the Obama administration, must take urgent action to restore faith in a negotiated two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” DeLee wrote.
A number of major Jewish groups, including the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League and B’nai B’rith International, oppose the bid and are lobbying against it among UN member nations.