Linoy Ashram's Olympic necklace found amid arrest of suspect with illegal drugs

Ashram's necklace was accidentally found by the police amidst an arrest of individuals for drug trafficking and threatening authorities.

 Olympic necklace stolen from Linoy Ashram. (photo credit: POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Olympic necklace stolen from Linoy Ashram.

Completely by chance, police said on Tuesday that they had retrieved the Olympic necklace stolen from gold medalist Linoy Ashram last week, while arresting a man who came to the police station to issue threats after a relative was arrested – and had the necklace in his pocket.

Police received a report a week ago of the theft of the necklace belonging to the star Olympic gymnast. Ashram received the necklace – with a symbol of the Olympic rings, adorned with diamonds – from her family for winning gold at the Tokyo Olympics, Haaretz reported. 

The theft occurred at the Wingate Institute, where it went missing from Ashram’s bag.

Ashram asked the public to help retrieve it and wrote on her Instagram account: “My necklace, which was given to me after the Olympics, was taken tonight from my bag at the Wingate Institute. It has great emotional value to me.”

Detectives from the police station in Jisr az-Zarqa conducted a number of drug searches in the village on Tuesday, and a local resident was arrested after he was seized with a suspected drug substance.

Following his arrest, a relative of the suspect came to the police station and issued threats. Police arrested him too, and after a quick body search were surprised to find Ashram’s necklace on him as well as a knife.

Police say they will request an extension of his detention when the suspect is brought to court.

Ashram announced a day earlier that she had tested positive for COVID-19 and is in quarantine, Hebrew media reported. “I am in solitary confinement for two days and I try to keep myself as busy as possible,” she said. “It’s a little boring. A few days ago I lost the Olympics necklace that was dear to my heart... I was notified yesterday that I’m going to get it on Sunday. Thank you.”