Bus driver injured in assault in Modi'in Illit

According to the driver's testimony, five people boarded the bus and attacked him, throwing stones, among other items.

The bus of a driver who was attacked while at work in the town of Modi'in Illit. (Credit:The Union of Bus Drivers in Israel from the National Labor Federation)
A bus driver for the Kavim bus company was violently assaulted while working in the ultra-Orthodox town of Modi'in Illit on Tuesday night.
The driver was identified by Palestinian media as Yaqoub Dais, a resident of the Old City of Jerusalem.

According to the driver's testimony, five people boarded the bus and attacked him, throwing stones, among other items. He was injured in the attack and subsequently sought medical treatment for his injuries.
The Union of Bus Drivers in Israel from the National Labor Federation responded to the attack, saying that "only recognizing bus drivers as public servants will save their lives and the lives of their passengers, and will allow those who attack drivers to sit behind bars."