Catholic groups ask US Supreme Court to block contraception coverage

Roman CatholicChurch-affiliated organizations on Tuesday asked the USSupreme Court to block implementation of a part of the Obamacarehealthcare law that requires employers to provide insurancepolicies that cover contraception.

Catholic University of America and non-profits in Michiganand Tennessee were among those filing three separateapplications asking the court to exempt them temporarily fromthe so-called contraception mandate while litigation continues.The mandate, which is due to take effect for the organizationson Jan. 1, is already in place for many women who have privatehealth insurance.

The court did not immediately respond to the applications.There is no set time by which the court is required to act.

The organizations, represented by the Jones Day law firm inthe three applications, also said the court could take a biggerstep and decide to hear the merits of their claims.