Ex-baseball player questioned how Jews support "anti-Israel" Democratic Party

Curt Schilling, a former American Major League Baseball player said on Friday during a CNN broadcast that he doesn't understand how Jewish people are voting for the Democratic Party as they are "so clearly anti-Israel."
The former baseball player while speaking to Jake Tapper, a CNN anchor, appeared to go on a quick rant on how he does not understand Jewish support for the Democratic Party.
Schilling said to Tapper "as a person who is practicing the Jewish faith and has since you were young, I don't understand how people of Jewish faith can back the democratic party which over the last 50 years which has been so clearly anti-Israel, so clearly anti-Jewish Israel."
Tapper replied to the comment saying "well I don't speak for Jews and I don't support the democratic party or the republican party, I would imagine just to try to answer your question that one of the reasons many Jews are democrats has more to do with Democrat support for social welfare programs and that sort of thing than it does for Israel."