IDF Court lifts gag order on black-eye case of Palestinian girl

The IDF West Bank Appeals Court late Tuesday took the unusual step of lifting the gag order on the identity and details of the case of already famous 14-year-old Palestinian female minor Malak al-Khatib.
The ruling overruled the February 5 decision of the Judea Military Court partially rejecting the IDF Prosecutor's request to fully unlock the case to the public, in which the court had insisted on keeping a gag order on al-Khatib's identity, but has not yet been publicly announced.
The legal debate had a bizarre feel to it in that in social media, in top international wire services and even at the UN, al-Khatib's identity was already well-known with a global campaign attacking the IDF for having jailed, convicted and sentenced the young minor to two months in prison.
The Jerusalem Post has learned that the IDF prosecution took the unusual position of trying to lift the gag order on the case of a young female minor as it believed that a massive public relations war was being fought against it over the case, while its arms were tied behind its back in responding with the case's facts.