Israel to loosen W. Bank restrictions ahead of Ramadan

The IDF and the Civil Administration in the West Bank Tuesday announced several loosening of restrictions ahead of the month Ramadan and the subsequent Eid ul-Fitr holiday.
The changes include:
- Extended hours until midnight everyday at the Jalama and Rehan Crossing near Jenin, the Beit Mishpat Crossing into Ramallah and the Rachel Crossing into Bethlehem.- Palestinian families may visit during the month of Ramadan Israeli relatives for up to one week.- Israeli Arabs may enter Palestinian controlled-areas in the West Bank (Area A) from the Jordan Valley as well.- The Kh. Gabra and 104 crossings to Tulkarem will be open the entire week.- 200 visitors from Arab countries were given permits to visit the West Bank for humanitarian reasons.- Palestinian men over the age of 50 and women over the age of 45 will be allowed to enter the Temple Mount area freely for prayers. Married men between the ages of 45 and 50 and married women between the ages of 30 and 45 may also enter the Temple Mount area during Ramadan and Eid ul-Fitr in accordance with security measures.
IDF soldiers have also been ordered to show consideration and respect for West Bank residents by refraining from eating, drinking and smoking in public during the holiday period when possible, the Prime Minister's Office said in a statement.