Dolphin 1 partners Noble Energy Inc., Delek Group Ltd. and Ratio Oil Exploration have found clear signs of natural gas at the Dolphin 1 exploratory well in the Hanna license. The preliminary results found 550 billion cubic feet (15.7 billion cubic meters) of natural gas - about half the size of Yam Tethy's Mari B well, which has been in operation since 2004.The Dolphin 1 discovery is Noble Energy and Delek's sixth straight natural gas discovery in Israeli waters: Noa in 1999, Mari B in 2000, Tamar and Dalit in 2008, and Leviathan in 2010.The Dolphin 1 well is the most promising of the three geologic structures in the Hanna license. The gas bearing strata are located in a structure known as the Tamar sands at a depth of 4,440 meters in waters 1,560 meters deep. The prospect is located 110 kilometers west of Haifa.
Israel cannot define itself as ‘Jewish’ if it does not bring all hostage