MK Herzog: without a national plan, Israel can’t battle poverty

Without a national plan, Israel will not be able to minimize the poverty problem, Labor MK Isaac Herzog told the Jerusalem Post on Wednesday, after speaking about the issue at the World Jewish Congress Executive Committee Conference.
Referring to poverty reports published in the recent months by the National Insurance Institute, Herzog said at the conference that “one fifth of the Israeli population is poor” and that many Israelis who work struggle to make ends meet.
There is a demand for a further share of wealth in a democratic way,” he added, “Poverty is a major threat to the innermost fabric of the Israeli society.”
Herzog, who has previously served as Welfare Minister, also emphasized that poverty does not just apply to the Arab of Haredi sectors in the country, but that it affects its population as a whole.
He added that the recent cuts in child allotments are “anti-social” and “put huge pressure on working families.”