MK says she will boycott US independence party over Pollard

MK Ronit Tirosh on Sunday told Army Radio she will boycott the American Independence Day party at the ambassador's house in protest of the US refusal to release imprisoned Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard for one day to see his father before his death.
Morris Pollard, 95, died Sunday morning at Memorial Hospital and Health System in South Bend, Indiana.
Pollard's family, American Jewish leaders and Knesset members had been lobbying for Jonathan to be granted what is called "compassionate leave" for 24 hours to allow him to see his father before he died.
MK Nahman Shai, also speaking about Pollard, said in an interview to Army Radio: "Why is [the US] so insistent on keeping him? Why can't they release him for 24 hours? He won't do anything, he won't run away."