Palestinian youths sued by Jerusalem court for light rail damages

The Jerusalem prosecutor’s office on Wednesday filed a claim of NIS 23,368, under the Law of Property Tax and Compensation Funds, against three Palestinian youths who damaged a light rail car with rocks.
Citing hundreds of such “nationalistically-motivated” ambushes on the light rail since last summer, the court stated that the ongoing attacks “are intended to disturb the public peace and harm innocent people, sow fear, and disrupt and undermine daily lives and the fabric of life in Jerusalem.”
The claim comes on the heels of several recent legislative initiatives intended to crackdown on Palestinian terrorists and rioters – many of whom are minors – responsible for last month’s terror wave. Noting tens of thousands of shekels worth of damages caused to the rail over the last year-and-a-half, CityPass, which operates the tram, issued a statement praising the move.