Peres to visit Schalit tent before Pesach

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, whose official residence is just around the corner from the Schalit tent, has yet to come out and visit with them.
However President Shimon  Peres, whose residence is just a block away, has no such qualms, and this morning will visit with Aviva and Noam Schalit in a demonstration of solidarity and in order to assure them that they are not alone and that the State is doing everything possible to bring home their son, hijacked soldier Gilad Schalit, who has been in Hamas captivity for close to five years.
Peres will also meet with the people who have been a constant source of support to the Schalits and will spend time talking to them. The Schalits have over time met with both Netanyahu and Peres, but the meetings were conducted in the offices or residences of the two leaders.
While some government ministers have taken the time and the trouble to visit the Schalits and to share their concerns for Gilad's safety, neither Netanyahu nor Peres have done so. Peres believes that it is particularly important for him to visit the Schalits just a few hours before the festival of freedom.