S.Africa's Malema loses appeal against ANC suspension

JOHANNESBURG - South Africa's ruling ANC on Saturday upheld a decision to ban youth leader Julius Malema for five years for bringing the movement into disrepute, sending into the political wilderness a noisy rebel who had called for the nationalization of mines.
The decision by an African National Congress appeals panel is likely to alter the South African political landscape by sidelining one of the most vocal foes of President Jacob Zuma.
But it will not put to rest the questions Malema raised about why the poor majority in Africa's largest economy have still not felt the "better life for all" promised by the ANC since it took power in 1994 after the end of apartheid.
The appeals committee upheld convictions against Malema and other ANC Youth League members handed down in November for bringing the party into disrepute and for causing rifts in Africa's oldest liberation movement.