US prepares to publicly accuse Iran of 2013 dam hack

WASHINGTON -- The US Justice Department is preparing to indict Iranian hackers over a cyber attack targeting New York infrastructure in 2013.
The indictments, set for next week and first reported by CNN, will mark the first time the Obama administration public accuses Iranian government agents of conducting acts of cyber warfare.
The unsophisticated attack targeted the Bowman Avenue Dam in Rye, New York– underscoring concerns within local and federal governments alike over the susceptibility of US infrastructure to such attacks.
Allegations of Iranian involvement in the hack first arose in media reports back in December of 2015.
Last month, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper ranked cyber as the greatest threat to US national security. The Obama administration has made a policy of outing foreign governments for its endorsement or orchestration of cyber activities, highlighting North Korea's hack of Sony Pictures Entertainment in 2014.