Yacimovich: Kahlon deeply committed to entire Israeli public

Labor leader Shelly Yacimovich on Monday joined the chorus of voices disappointed over minister Moshe Kahlon's decision to resign from politics.
"He was an excellent minister whose heart is in the right place and who is deeply committed to the entire Israeli public, not just to the handful of wealthy, whom he did not hesitate to fight when needed," Yacimovich said of the Likud MK. 
She lashed out at Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on the matter, saying: "this underscores the transformation of the Likud - which was supposed to be a party for that serves the nation - to a capitalist party whose leaders abuse its citizens."
Yacimovich called on voters who were still undecided on whether to vote for Netanyahu, to vote for her instead. "Do not continue the regular voting pattern," she urged. She said that voters should choose a fair economy and a just society that serves the general public and is responsive to its needs.