Yishai: Anti-deportation activists should adopt refugees

Those looking to prevent the deportation of South Sudanese citizens at the end of the month are welcome to volunteer to be foster families for those facing deportation, Interior Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) said Wednesday.
"They are welcome to serve as foster families for them. During my time as Interior Ministry I have done and will continue to do what I can to preserve Israel as a Jewish country," Yishai said, and highlighted his efforts to build a fence to stop the entry of "infiltrators" across Israel's southern border with Egypt and his work to ensure the funding of a holding facility in the Negev which will hold thousands of African migrants detained by Israel.
Yishai also said he will continue to work towards "the deportation of infiltrators to their home country."
A spokesman for Yishai said that while the minister made the comment sarcastically, if an Israeli family did come forward and offer to serve as a foster family the ministry would consider allowing the adopted South Sudanese stay in the country.