'Sleep tourism' in hotels boosts sales of beds in Israel

The sleeping experience in hotels includes top-quality mattresses and also a pillow menu, which includes hard, soft and natural pillows with a cooling agent.

 Illustrative image of a bed. (photo credit: PIXEXID)
Illustrative image of a bed.
(photo credit: PIXEXID)

The current trend in luxury hotels has led to increased sales of sleeping systems by Israeli manufacturers. These companies include Aminach, Hollandia, Simmons and Sealy.

The Hollandia chain is taking advantage and is offering a variety of items at sale prices up to 50% off. Sealy and Aeroplus Home also have discount sales. Sealy will offer discounts of up to 25% on a variety of sleep products such as mattresses.

The sleeping experience in hotels includes top-quality mattresses and also a pillow menu, which includes a hard pillow, a soft one and a natural one with a cooling agent. To enhance the feeling of being at home, luxury hotels brand themselves with lines like, "We put sleep before everything."

Sleep system sales to Israeli hotels

According to data from sleep systems manufacturer Aminach, controlled and managed by Roni Schwartz, in 2022 sleep systems and mattresses were supplied to 60 luxury hotels in Israel at a total cost of NIS 40 million.

 Illustrative image of a hotel room. (credit: AMERICAN EXPRESS)
Illustrative image of a hotel room. (credit: AMERICAN EXPRESS)

These hotels include chains such as the Brown Hotels, the Carmel Forest and Cramim Spa hotels, Mitzpe Hayamim (from the Yisrotel Group), David Fatal's 7 Minds boutique hotel chain, the Waldorf Astoria from the Hilton group and more.

Schwartz stated that prestigious hotels worldwide brand themselves as providers of the best sleeping systems. Recently, they have been offering sleep packages and sleep improvement programs. This included top-quality mattresses and pillows, cotton sheets with a high thread count, soundproof rooms and more.