Mazuz to Netanyahu: Lieberman can serve as foreign minister

A day after the Supreme Court gave investigators an ultimatum regarding the probe into Israel Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman, Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz told Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu Tuesday that there was no legal obstacle preventing Lieberman from serving as foreign minister. The announcement came one day after prosecutors and police argued that a final decision regarding the investigation into Lieberman was just around the corner. Assistant Attorney-General Raz Nizri hinted in court Monday that Lieberman would be questioned shortly after the coalition was formed, and Israel Police Ch.-Insp. Asaf Valpish from the National Fraud Squad testified that Lieberman continued to commit some of the crimes that police were investigating. Lieberman is under investigation for a chain of alleged white-collar offenses including bribery, fraud, violation of trust and violations of anti-money laundering laws.