Sephardi resource materials

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) recently received a unique collection of research resource materials concerning Sephardi victims of the Holocaust.

The gift of Professor Haim-Vidal Sephiha and amassed over six decades, it includes scholarly, sacred, and secular texts; published works, doctoral theses and other unpublished manuscripts; music, songs, art and recordings. Sephiha, a Holocaust survivor, is a renowned scholar of Judéo-Espagnol language and culture.

Professor emeritus in Judéo-Espagnol (Université Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle), associate professor (Free University of Brussels' Martin Buber Institute), and president of the Vidas Largas Association. The material reflects his dedication to preserving and teaching about the language and culture and to ensure the memory of destroyed Judéo-Espagnol communities.

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