Father Gabriel Nadaff-NRB 2017 from MP Films, Inc. on Vimeo.The PJTN event took place at the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Convention, the largest annual assembly of Christian broadcasters and media, which attracts participants from around the world. At this year’s gathering PJTN showcased their latest documentary, “Boycott This!” which exposes the lies behind the BDS movement. Father Naddaf, who appears in the film, was invited by producers to educate viewers on the absurdity of those who seek to divest from Israeli businesses that hire Palestinians.Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of PJTN, commended Naddaf for his lifetime of uncompromising commitment to the State of Israel by awarding him the distinguished “Ed McAteer Tree of Life Award.”The award is presented annually to a leader or organization that demonstrates an uncompromising commitment in support for the State of Israel. It is given in memory of the late Ed McAteer, an outstanding NRB leader for over 25 years. Cardoza-Moore told supporters that BDS groups on university campuses worldwide have often used violence to intimidate and harm Jewish and Christian-Zionist students and must be stopped with legislation, stating that “when these actions happen on our college campuses in direct contradiction with the civil rights act, we need to shut these groups down.”She condemned the rising tide of anti-Israel sentiment within the church.“As evangelical Christians we believe that if God said it, He meant it. But now many Evangelicals are buying into an anti-Israel narrative that is nowhere in the Bible... it is fake theology, like fake news and we must fight it.” To learn more about Jewish-Christian relations, check us out at @christian_jpost, on Facebook.com/jpostchristianworld/ and see the best of the Holy Land in The Jerusalem Post - Christian Edition monthly magazine.