Masa's new program offering allows fellows to work remotely from Israel

The program is geared towards post-college graduates under the age of 30, from English-speaking countries such as the United States, Canada or the UK.

Participants in a Masa Israel Journey program (photo credit: MASA ISRAEL JOURNEY)
Participants in a Masa Israel Journey program
(photo credit: MASA ISRAEL JOURNEY)
Masa Israel Journey, an umbrella organization for long-term experiences in Israel, is offering a new program for young professionals titled Masa Remote Israel.
The premise is that the fellows would move to Tel Aviv for four months, while working their current jobs in their home country. Throughout that time, they would participate in Masa's educational and social program schedule - which will be fixed around the fellow's current job and time zone, so that they are able to get in a full working day.
The cost of the program is around $1,780 per month, however, Masa usually awards scholarships to those requesting, which would normally covers rent as well as in some cases minimal program costs.
The program is geared towards post-college graduates under the age of 30, from English-speaking countries such as the United States, Canada or the UK.
As of June 2020, amid the coronavirus pandemic, Israel permitted the entry of all Masa Fellows into the country - whereas foreign tourists are still prohibited, besides some exceptions.
Thousands of Masa Fellows chose to remain in Israel when it closed its borders at the start of the pandemic.
Fellows who arrive in Israel will be required to remain in quarantine for 14 days, during which they will receive orientations, Hebrew-language course and educational seminars.
The organization, founded by The Jewish Agency and the government of Israel, has 7,000 Fellows registered for the coming year.
Marcy Oster/JTA contributed to this report.