By JERUSALEM POST STAFFkhaled about me(photo credit: )TRY ONE YOURSELF>>>Age: 33
Residence: USA
Married? With children? Married, no children yet
Occupation: VPO Distribution company
Education: Business degree
Pets: 2 birds (canaries)
Religious affiliation / observance: Muslim
Last person / party I voted for: Democratic
Next person / party I will vote for: Democratic
My history (100 words max): I was born in Jerusalem, lived there until 18 them moved to USA to finish school but never went back, got my degree and started a small company with some friends, went back home and got married to my lovely wife Nisreen
Family history (100 words max): My mom and dad are from Lod (east of Tel Aviv), moved to Jerusalem after the 1967 war. They still have their old home in Lod. We used to go there and my dad told me stores about my grandparents and how things used to be in their time
My connection with Israel: I love my country, love the old city of Jerusalem, love the streets, trees, birds, the sun and the people
What I would take with me to a deserted island: My wife, my laptop, some food
If I could have dinner with any person in the world it would be: Yasser arafat and Yitzhak Rabin
What angers you: People with no respect for others
What makes you happy: When I spend time with my family, when my friends call me from back home
Last book I read was: 'Palestine: Peace not Apartheid'
Comfort food: Falafel , Shawarma and some Osem Bisly snacks
My life five years from now: Hopefully living back home with wife and some kids
You may not like it but I have something controversial to say: Jerusalem (where I was born) does not belong to Arabs or Jews. We all have the right to live there
Happiness: 1-10 (10 being the happiest) 8
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