About Me: Ronit Epstein

ronit epstein (photo credit: )
ronit epstein
(photo credit: )
Try one yourself >>> Age: 21 Residence: Herzliya, Israel but originally from La Paz, Bolivia Married? With children? Neither, but dating an amazing guy Occupation: Student Education: IDC government program; I am also part of the Argov Fellows Program in Diplomacy Pets: Two puppies in La Paz: Slipi and Chispitas Religious affiliation / observance: Jewish Last person / party I voted for: I'd rather not say My history (100 words max): I was born in Israel and moved at a young age to La Paz, Bolivia where I grew up. I always dreamt of returning to the Holy Land and finally took that scary leap as soon as I graduated from high school. Life was very difficult for me in the beginning here, so I went back to Bolivia after a few months. When I turned 19, I was accepted into the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya and so I decided to give myself another chance to live in Israel. Since then, life here has been great!! Family history (100 words max): My father was born in Poland and is the son of Holocaust survivors. They all moved to Israel when he turned 10. My mother was born in La Paz, Bolivia where she also grew up. From her side of the family, her father is also Polish and escaped Poland little before the Holocaust. Her mother comes from a Sefaradi family that was originally from Jerusalem but was forced out in the 1920s and found refuge in Paraguay My connection with Israel: I'm Jewish! What better connection can there be? Defining moment: Being accepted into IDC with a full scholarship! That's when I knew I would be able to start my life in Israel successfully Daily routine: Waking up, getting ready, going to college, sitting through classes, returning home, eating, resting, studying, and in the best days - going on dates and spending time with loved ones On Friday night... In honor of family and Jewish tradition, I light candles before Shabbat begins. But I really miss having Kiddush and prayers with my entire family Comfort food: Salteסas, empanadas, anticuchos, chisitos and pipocas, and of course, my grandma's home cooking! Last book I read was: The Tanach (Bible). It was a present from my boyfriend to take with me during my trip to Europe as a reminder of who I am and where I come from My mentor: I have yet to pick one... 3 wishes: 1) To continue being blessed + happy in life 2) To have a government in Israel that will truly lead the people towards security and peace and have respect for our Holy Land 3) Happiness and health for all of my family and loved ones Happiness: 1-10 (10 being the happiest) 10 Try one yourself >>> Meet IDF combat soldier Nicole and all 'About Me' participants