By PEGGY CIDORMahaneh Yehuda(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)Tricky charityFor the second time in the past few months, residents of the Nahlaot neighborhood are being warned about a fake charity collector.Claiming to have a daughter ill with cancer who needs funds for medical treatments, he convinced rabbis and synagogue members in the neighborhood to give him money. It was discovered that he was lying and rabbis who signed an official request to give him support were unaware of the fraud. Now the man has begun to expand his activities other neighborhoods. A warning has been distributed to synagogue goers in the area and the police have been notified.Mess at the shukFollowing a struggle involving small-business permits in the city center, officials at the municipality, led by some of the businesses owners, have discovered a number of code violations. Based on figures provided by the business promotion administration, only 137 of 218 businesses (merchants, bars and eateries) in the Mahaneh Yehuda market are operating with legal permits.Municipal inspectors have done nothing to require these lawbreakers to legalize their operations.They issued more than 600 fines, but those were mostly for violations such as blocking the alleys with too many tables and chairs, for dirt around the bars and eateries – and a few fines were even given for smoking.French food Hopefully the mountains of garbage and dirt will disappear by next week – for our sake, but also in honor of the Michelin Culinary Week in the city.Michelin recognition is one of the highest distinctions in the culinary world, and one of its most prestigious representatives – Chef Quentin Joplet, owner of the Castellaras restaurant, will be the guest of the Rooftop Restaurant in Mamilla. The local host will be Israeli chef Kobi Bachar, and the two will present a joint venture in Mediterranean and French cuisine (adapted of course to kashrut requirements.) The excitement will take place February 6 and 7, at the Rooftop, at the Mamilla Hotel. The public is invited. Bon appetit! Reservations: (02) 548-2222.
Joy of colorsTimna Most, once a resident of Rishon Lezion and today a Jerusalemite, is opening an exhibition of her latest paintings.Her oil and acrylic works and ink drawings are inspired by biblical stories as well the works of artists such as Marc Chagall.The exhibition will be launched tomorrow, Saturday, February 4, at the Jerusalem Cinematheque at 6 p.m. The exhibition will run through the end of February and is open to the public.Blue Line feverThe first hearing on the appeal of residents opposing the Emek Refaim segment of the blue line of the light rail took place at the District Court on Sunday. Justice David Mintz presided.Residents who attended the court session report that the lawyer representing the municipality attacked them on a personal level and demonstrated a poor grasp of locations in Jerusalem.Mintz, appearing to have lost patience, abruptly asked him at a one point if he had any idea where Pierre Koenig Street is located.Residents are calling for a halt in the approval process until all of the alternative suggestions presented by the residents are properly reviewed. They also want the master-plan professional staff and the mayor’s staff to reconsider the option of a tunnel under Emek Refaim Street as a solution to prevent what they see as irreparable harm to the German Colony and that street.Attention Anglo parents The Seeach Sod association is taking part in a special conference on education, parents and special education programs.The event will take place on February 6 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, with panels and workshops on several aspects of the problems faced by children in the special education system.Children with dyslexia, language learning difficulties – even beyond the regular problems of new immigrants – and other related topics will be addressed at the conference.One special panel will be devoted to ways to cope with – and beat – the maze of bureaucracy.While most of the meetings will be conducted in Hebrew, some will be in English, so that parents who recently arrived in the country can benefit from the information presented.One of the English workshops will be devoted to helping Anglo children who have language difficulties with Hebrew, dyslexia and more.The second part of the conference will be devoted to the complex issues of special education for Anglos living here, led by a panel of experts in that matter.Fees, including lunch, are NIS 150 (NIS 60 without lunch).Registration: (02) 941-0144.For the sake of dogsThe Jerusalem dog shelter in Atarot was broken into Friday night. Money, expensive medications, specialized equipment, a computer and other valuables were taken, and a number of items left behind were vandalized. The staff, struggling to estimate the full scope of the damage caused, issued a call for emergency help.This is not the first time this shelter was targeted by burglars, possibly searching for drugs. However, considering the large amount of vandalism, it is possible that this attack also included an element of hatred toward animals, although no dog was harmed.A post on the association’s Facebook account attracted the attention of hundreds of people, and garnered some financial assistance. But there is still need for more support; all contributions are appreciated. Info: (02) 585-4465.Esther, here and now A beautiful Scroll of Esther with references to current events and personalities, such as George Bush, Vladimir Putin, Osama bin Laden, Yasser Arafat and others, is on sale this week at the local Kedem Auction House.Illustrated and inscribed with ink and acrylic on parchment, the scroll, designed by Itzhak Luvaton and scribe Avital Goldner, was made in Jerusalem in 2006-2007. It contains caricatures and other humorous elements referencing political events and persons of the early 21st century as part of the story of the Book of Esther. Figures from the Book of Esther are represented in the scroll as famous politicians.The scroll opens with a large illustration depicting a sumptuous feast attended by Saddam Hussein, Arafat, Osama bin Laden (representing Haman the Agagite), Bush (representing King Ahasuerus), as well as Kofi Annan, Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac and Putin.The figure of a famous singer appears later in the scroll, representing Queen Esther. Next to the column containing the names of the 10 sons of Haman is an illustration depicting Osama bin Laden, Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein hanging from a gallows. The scroll’s closing illustration depicts another feast, this one attended exclusively by the leaders of the Western world: Bush, Blair and Putin alongside Mordecai, Esther (wearing a crown) and Jacques Chirac.