Gabbay: Netanyahu hiding facts in sub affair - watch

"I don’t know how he has time to buy and sell companies as prime minister," Gabbay said.

Avi Gabbay at The Jerusalem Post elections conference, April 3rd, 2019 (Credit: Ronen Shamir)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is purposely hiding key information that could incriminate him in the "Submarine Affair," Labor leader Avi Gabbay said on Wednesday at a Hebrew language conference in Tel Aviv that was sponsored by The Jerusalem Post Group, parent company of the Maariv newspaper and the Post.
In his answers to questions from Maariv columnists, Gabbay made reference to the stock Netanyahu sold in a company that merged with a supplier to the German conglomerate Thyssenkrupp, from whom Israel later purchased submarines.
"I don’t know how he has time to buy and sell companies as prime minister," Gabbay said. "I don’t have time for business, even though I am not even an MK."
Gabbay told the panel that, "Netanyahu has changed his version of events on this issue like you change socks."
"Anyone who changes his version of events every day has something to hide, just as a prime minister who keeps secrets from his defense minister, IDF chief of staff and Mossad chief has something to hide."
Gabbay, whose parents made aliyah from Morocco, reiterated his recent accusations that Netanyahu is racist against Sephardi Jews.
"Netanyahu looks for the racist in every election," he said. "We said that this time, you are the racist."