Doris Uhlich will present More Than Enough at the Kelim Choreography Center on October 17 at 8:30 p.m.
By ORI J. LENKINSKIAUSTRIAN DANCER and choreographer Doris Uhlich performs in ‘More Than Enough’(photo credit: ANDREA SALZMANN)
When people ask me to name my favorite dance performances of all time, More Than Enough by Doris Uhlich invariably makes it onto the list. Prior to seeing this show, I had little knowledge of Uhlich, an Austrian dancer and choreographer who has been gaining momentum these past few years, predominantly in Europe. I knew that Uhlich led a workshop entitled More Than Naked, in which participants grappled with their nudity and learned out to overcome/take advantage of it.I gathered that there was a connection between Uhlich’s teachings and the performances.The show far exceeded any expectations I had.Uhlich will present More Than Enough this Saturday evening at the Kelim Choreography Center in Bat Yam. This is her first visit to Israel.Seconds after stepping onto the stage, clad in a fur coat and an enormous beehive hairdo, Uhlich managed to wholly enchant the audience. The premise of More Than Enough is a search to define what is beautiful.Coming from Uhlich, whose physical stature is quite at odds with common perceptions of dancers, this means a great deal. Uhlich is a voluptuous woman, a fact that she wields with grace and might throughout the performance. She is also incredibly personable. When she speaks to the audience, she speaks to each and every person in the crowd. When she moves, she does so with deep honesty, exposing so much of herself with articulation and ease.Uhlich’s attempt to understand beauty takes shape by way of interviews with friends and acquaintances throughout the performance. These conversations are conducted via telephone as well as with one live guest whom Uhlich changes up regularly. For her Israeli premier, Uhlich will perform alongside Virginie Roy. The performance will be followed by a discussion with Uhlich.Doris Uhlich will present More Than Enough at the Kelim Choreography Center on October 17 at 8:30 p.m. For more information, visit